Pair outfits for Iplehouse FID

Suddenly, but main size for me became 1/4. And it influences my sewing work. I love couples, so I have a lot of couple outfits ideas in my mind. And while my skull is not broken from inside I present outfits of that kind.

Woman dress were intended to be in historical style, but in process I changed my mind to “ethno” style. The result is fun, but harmonical combination. Cyan batiste, TOHO beads of 3 сolors according with fabric – at collar, bottom, belt and decoration over chest. Lacings in sides and sleeves, Closing in the back by snap buttons. Fits Iplehouse FID woman with medium breast size. Shown by Iplehouse FID Mari, glow peach gold skin, medium breast.

Man outfit styled in my favorite fantasy-historical style. 3 colors of cotton, decorated by 2mm silk ribbon, silver and dark blue cord, silfer decorations. Includes pants, vest, jacket, shoulder cape and black batiste scarf. Shown by Iplehouse FID Lawrence, peach gold skin.

EVENT! You could buy both outfits until 22th of September with 10% discount in my Etsy store!
Since 23th of September the outfits will be available separately without discount.

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