Summer dreams

Few last months I was working on large order and had a few time for my own creation. But the order is completed and I’m very pleased that I could return. I placed fabrics in front of me, looked out window and saw real snowy winter. And then I realized that dream about bright rich colors, flower decorations and summer. I would like to introduce small collection of three corsets, which I named “Summer dreams”. I was enjoying in process of creation the corsets and I hope you like them too. The corsets will be added to my Etsy store soon.

1. Raspberry dream. The corset fits Iplehouse nYID, breast size doesn’t matter. Bright corset made of high-quality single-colored cotton of raspberry color. There is a few decorations, because the corset attracts attention itself. Decorated by metal silver accessolies with raspberry stone, raspberry ribbon and silver, white and pink TOHO beads. Fully underwired. Lacing in the back – silver eyelets and silk ribbon of the corset’s color.

Shown by Iplehouse Grace hybrided on nYID body, peach gold skin, medium breast.

2. Sunny butterfly. The corset fits Iplehouse SID, breast size doesn’t matter. The corset made of high quality single-colored cotton of orange color. For decoration I user new beadwork technique which is very interesting. It was amazing! Such bright and rich corset could suit even queen of fairy. Decorated by large round cabochon covered by beads of four colors, round glass beads of amber color, a bit of fantasy and magic. Fully underwired. Lacing in the back – silver eyelets, silk ribbon of the corset’s color.

Shown by Iplehouse SID Harace, normal skin, large breast.

3. Summer night. The corset fits Iplehouse nYID, breast size doesn’t matter. Imagine middle summer night which is full of flower’s scents, butterfly’s flittering, owl’s screech… I tried to impress it in the corset. It made of high quality single-colored cotton of deep purple color. Decorated by bronze accessories, silk ribbons of the corset’s color, decoratory butterflies of dark metal. Fully underwired. Tho lacings in the front – silver eyelets and silk ribbons of the corset’s color.

Shown by Iplehouse nYID Emilia, normal skin, large breast.

Категория: Casual, Corsets, Fantasy
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