Halloween pumpkin bustle outfit for BJD/Iplehouse JID girls/MSD dolls

Trick or treat! I was inspired to create the outfit by coming Halloween and amazing bustle dresses. I were enjoying while creating it and I hope you like it too!

1. Corset is made of cotton with pattern of little pumpkins, decorated by silver metal with black rocks.
2. Blouse is made of the thinest plisse chiffon with tucks on breast (wide of the collar is adjustable) and on wrists.
3. Underskirt is made of black cotton, decorated by ruffles of plisse chiffon and black laces.
4. Cover-slut is made of the same fabric as corset, decorated by black lace.
5. Upper skirt with bustle is made of the same fabric as corset, decorated two kinds of black lace.
6. Necklace is made of black lace, decorated by silk ribbon and silver metal accessories.
7. Top hat is made of black cotton, decorated by silver metal accessories, lace and silk ribbons. Voile is made of rigid mesh.
8. Belt is made of black metal chain, decorated by silver metal accessories with black rocks. Reticule is attached to belt. The reticule is made of single-colored cotton and decorated by lace and silver metal accessories.
9. Underskirt (under-underskirt) is made of rigid mesh and it creates shape of the skirts.

Fits Iplehouse JID girls with any breast size and similar dolls. Perfect for JID girls with small breasts, but fits large and glamour breast too (in that case there is gap in the back). Shown by Iplehouse JID Cassia, peach gold, large breast.

Happy Halloween!

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