Summer is here!

And I present three new corsets from summer collection :)

Corset “Vintage roses” for Iplehouse SID Woman

Corset of new original shape. Underwired. Made of high-quality cotton of two companion colors, decorated by golden accessories and silk ribbons. Lacing in the back, eyelets, silk ribbon. Fits Iplehouse SID women with large and glamour breast.

Shown by Iplehouse SID Harace, normal skin, large breast.


Corset “Rose tender” for Iplehouse SID Woman

Underwired corset. Made of high-quality extra thin cotton with flower pattern. Decorated by paper roses, silk ribbon, beads like pearl. Lacing in the back, eyelets, silk ribbon. Fits Iplehose SID women with any breast size.

Shown by Iplehouse SID Harace, normal skin, large breast.


Corset “Misterious legend” for Iplehouse SID Woman

Underwired corset. Made of high-quality cotton of two deep violet gradations. Decorated by silver accessories and rhinestones. Laciong in the back, eyelets, silk ribbon. Fits Iplehouse SID women with any breast size.

Shown by Iplehouse SID Harace, normal skin, large breast.

Категория: Casual, Corsets, Fantasy
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